Chuck, I find your articles way way to long for me. I do start to read them and I must say that this most recent was the most interesting and enjoyable. I read much more of this article. I usually skip to the last paragraph. The article about the Rainbow Coalition was pretty good. I can relate to these topics. When you write about Fiddliest, Marxist and Lennon you lose me very quickly. To me it is esoteric intellectual stuff. That is why I was wondering who your target audience is.

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Hi Frank. Thanks for your commentary. Here’s a suggestion. Don’t try to read the article in one sitting. Read as much as you can, then come back the following day. I’m giving you three days to read the thing. Do you think I write the article in one sitting?

As to my audience, I would say it is responsible citizens, of any nation and all creeds, who would like to learn about structures of domination and the global movements for social justice, as it has been taught to me by the intellectuals and leaders of said movements. How’s that?

Give my regards to our favorite bartender.

Little brother Chuck

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I don't think a graduate of Penn's Wharton School would necessarily approve of that strategy. Of course they are reason I have to walk to the far corner a Supermarket to buy milk and eggs.

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Sadly, my beloved brother Frank died from cancer on December 27, 2021, at the age of 77. I am grateful that we were able to spend much time together during our first as well as our final years. He is very much missed.

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