It's not clear what you are getting at with your cryptic comments about Assange's "false assumptions".

Indeed your own assumptions about journalists having all they need from "publically available" sources is quite misguided. Obviously the Deep State is quite careful to cover its tracks and sow disinformation to keep the vast majority of the citizenry in their thrall and behaving according to their requirements for control. Assange together with Chelsea Manning exposed serious crimes and wrong-doing on the part of the powers that be. This is why they were persicuted. You surely know about the content/crimes in question. It is curious that you are siding with the forces of oppression, asserting that they have the right to cover up their crimes, to guarantee impunity to theie minions excercising the oppression they require to stay in power.

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I am saying that we know far more than we need to know to persuade our people that the endless wars are not justifiable, and even more, they are signs of imperialism in decadence, making evident the need for a new direction in U.S. foreign policy. In a U.S. context, when we who seek a more just world violate national security laws to add previously unknown details, that violation of national security becomes the issue. Many of the people turn against us for our apparent indifference to the security of our own nation. When this happens, we lose the political advantage that we had by being, beyond reasonable question, on the right side. We wind up dividing the people and rendering ourselves incapable of forging a new anti-imperialist and anti-war national consensus.

I also want to say that criticism of the strategic and historic errors of the “Left” is not the same as taking the side of the oppressor.

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That is the case no matter what is undertaken to oppose the forces of imperialism. They will inevitably and most certainly twist, distort, mis-represent and suppress what we have to say about such things. They have overwhelming control of not only the media but also of almost all educational institutions in the collective West and beyond. And "we" -ie. those who think like you and I do, The Left, etc. may "know" a lot, but we certainly don't know everything. I have learned so much since the start of the "special military operation" in the Ukraine and my view of the state of the world is much fuller and my understanding of a whole lot of inter-related things is much deeper. It's not enough to have a generic understanding if one wants to make a revolution, or even just to change things to be a little better.

Furthermore, the purported "violation" of national security that took place with Wikileaks in fact demonstrated that the "security" in question is the guarantee to the imperialist state and its eager minions that they will ever have to answer for the atrocities which they commit because they are classified [by THEM] as top secret.

On the one hand, you say "we" know everything already, but on the other hand you say that "the people" will turn against us because they are concerned about national security. So you are assuming that "the people" equate THEIR security with the interests of the imperialist state. That means you are saying that "the people" are ignorant of what the imperialist state is really all about. ie that it is not protecting the interests of "the people" but the interests of imperialist actors, who are real life people, who don't give a flying you-know-what about "the people". the Koch brothers, John Olin, Victoria Neuland, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

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